Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Matthew DeYoung's Self Portrait
A self portrait is hard for me to make or create. I am the kind of person that would rather not have my picture taken, the only time that I am okay with being in pictures is when I am with my close friends for a group picture. That is why I included the three pictures of me with some of my friends. Since photography is a large part of my life, and it seems like I always have a camera up to my face I had to include a couple pictures that I have taken, including the sunset picture. I am a Christian so it is important to me that I let my Faith show, the cross in this picture is a photoshop brush that I use in a lot of my pictures, and then the silhouette of the man kneeling at the Cross is from another picture. I believe in short and simple, if simply putting four words across the top that are the most important to me, then thats what I need. Nothing more nothing less.

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